GATE 2018 Score Card

GATE 2018 Score card, GATE Score card 2018

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) reults is to be announced on March 17. Candidates can download their official GATE 2018 score card from the GATE website,

The GATE score cards are issued to:

All SC/ST/PwD candidates whose marks are greater than or equal to the qualifying marks of SC/ST/PwD candidates in their papers
All other candidates whose marks are greater than or equal to the qualifying mark of OBC (NCL) candidates in their respective papers.

Calculation of GATE 2018 Score
In 2016, CE, CS, EC, EE and ME papers are held in multi-sessions. Therefore, for these papers, a suitable normalisation is applied to take into account any variation in the difficulty levels of the question papers across different sessions.

The normalisation for the GATE scorecard is done based on the fundamental assumption that "in all multi-session GATE papers, the distribution of abilities of candidates is the same across all the sessions".

The formula for calculating the normalised marks in the CE, CS, EC, EE and ME papers are as follows:

Normalised mark of jth candidate in ith session is given by:

After the evaluation of the GATE answer sheets, normalised marks based on the above formula is calculated corresponding to the raw marks obtained by a candidate in the CE, CS, EC, EE and ME papers and the GATE 2018 score will be calculated based on the normalised marks. For all other papers, actual marks obtained will be used for calculating the GATE 2018 Score.

Calculation of GATE score for all papers:
GATE 2018 score is calculated based on the following formula;

Sq = 350, is the score assigned to Mq

St = 900, is the score assigned to Mt

GATE 2018 score formula, Mq is usually 25 marks (out of 100) or u+o, whichever is larger. Here u is the mean and o is the standard deviation of the marks by all the candidates who appeared in the paper.

A Candidate must note that the GATE 2018 committee has the final authority to decide the qualifying mark/score for each GATE paper. If any dispute arises, the courts and tribunals in Bangalore, shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to settle any such disputes.